Motivational quotes images for Whatsapp facebook

Motivational quotes images for Whatsapp facebook

Why would anyone want to read a bunch of quotes?  Yikes.  Sounds like a Goody Two Shoes project.

On the contrary.  It is for the Power.  And the Magic.

The power to turn a life around -- that's a lot to ask of an inspirational quote.  But it happens millions of times every day.

It's magic.

Inspiration reaches every corner of our lives.

So I am very pleased to share with you some of my favorite inspirational quotes.

A Special Request for Inspirational Quotes

I would like to see your favorites too.  Be sure to send in quotes that have inspired you -- and pictures of people who have done the inspiring as well.
I do have one goal for this site that I need your help with.  This site reaches around the world to hundreds of different cultures.  I would like to have as many inspirational quotes from as many different cultures as possible 
 represented here.

motivational quotes in Hindi
Motivational quotes in Hindi
जीवन में महत्वपूर्ण यह नहीं है कि,        
आपकी "उम्र" क्या है,                     
बल्कि    महत्वपूर्ण यह है कि,        
"सोच" किस उम्र की रखते हो..

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